
10 Policy Recommendations for Sustainable Raw Materials Sourcing

In a new paper by CSR Europe’s Materials Leadership Hub Members in collaboration with Knowledge Partner LSE Ideas 10 policy recommendations are advanced to accompany the strong emphasis on individual responsibility and liability advanced in the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive with efforts to improve the way goods, services, components, and raw materials are sourced and produced.

Local ecosystems are profoundly influenced by supply chains, which possess the potential to either facilitate or hinder the improvement of people’s living standards and the preservation of the environment. How can companies transition from due diligence compliance to actively fostering a tangible positive impact in the sourcing of raw materials?

In a new paper, CSR Europe’s Materials Leadership Hub Members – in collaboration with Knowledge Partner LSE Ideas – advance 10 policy recommendations to accompany the strong emphasis on individual responsibility and liability advanced in the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive with efforts to improve the way goods, services, components, and raw materials are sourced and produced.

Download the paper here:

About the Materials Leadership Hub

The CSR Europe’s Materials Leadership Hub aimed at facilitating companies’ efforts to move beyond compliance with due diligence requirements to a real positive impact in the sourcing of raw materials.

Within the Hub, leading member companies ArcelorMittal, BASF, Coca-Cola in Europe, Enel, Solvay, Toyota Motor Europe, UPJ and Knowledge Partner LSE Ideas worked together with European policymakers from DG Env and DG Intpa, representatives of governments and civil society to strike an optimum balance between:

  • Due diligence practices mandated by existing and forthcoming legislation
  • Engagement with local suppliers and a value chain investment strategy
  • Going beyond mere compliance to achieve positive social impact

UPJ ist Partner des MATERIALS LEADERSHIP HUB von CSR Europe.


Giorgia Miccoli
Senior Specialist EU Affairs