
CSR Europe: Running Out of Time

CSR Europe sponsers the longest non-stop relay ever attempted across 18 countries – from Glasgow (COP26) to Sharm-el-Sheik in Egypt (COP27) – to carry a powerful message about climate action from young people to world’s leaders at COP27.

CSR Europe is sponsoring a new initiative: Running Out of Time!

This is the longest non-stop relay ever attempted across 18 countries – from Glasgow (COP26) to Sharm-el-Sheik in Egypt (COP27) – to carry a powerful message about climate action from young people to world’s leaders at COP27.

The initiative has four aims:

  • Send a message from the leaders of tomorrow to the leaders of today, and help their voices be heard.
  • Inspire 250,000 young people to work together to solve our climate crisis.
  • Highlight locations most at risk from climate change and showcase ingenious solutions responding to this crisis.
  • Raise funds and awareness for charities working on climate change projects.

Starting date: September 2022

You can view the full route here:

“Running Out of Time” is organised by The World Relay Ltd., an award-winning, multidisciplinary, team based in the UK with a passion for creating innovative events.


UPJ is the national partner organisation of CSR Europe in Germany.

Hana Kreso

James Hay
